Sunday, February 10, 2008

Marti Gras witht he Mystik Krewe....

I am exhausted.....On my 4th call in 24 hours, and as I sit here behind my short circuiting spotlight, that I will probably almost never use, beyond a "all hands ballyhoo cue."
From my perch I can barely see anything other than one tiny plot directly below my position. I am very glad to not have to do very much because of my extreme exhaustion. I don't have a day off until Tuesday, and I may very well spend it passed out on all sorts of sleep aids.

In the end it is going to pay my way to New York City for this interview. I may even make a weekend out of it(that was scrapped, doing the day up in NYC). Depending of course on whether or not I can coheres some of my New York people to pop out for good times. I really do have a very good feeling about this interview, and hope that it works out.


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