Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It might be time for a "New 'New Deal'"

We as a country have made some good baby steps towards affecting some change, hopefully for the better. Unfortunately we are not there yet. While we may have elected a Democratic majority in the U.S. government, but we can not stop there. We must continue to keep the pressure on our various members of government, to push through bills that will benefit society as a whole.
We are currently in a very labour hostile situation in both this country and the world as a whole. If we as a country do not take steps to reclaim jobs in the U.S., we will soon fall into an even deeper hole than we are in, in our current financial crisis. We must take action to solidify the job markets in the U.S. If we do not create new jobs, in the manufacturing, high tech and alternative energy markets, we shall fall behind other countries, both technologically, and financially. We have reached a cross roads where we need to re instill a pride in the phrase "Made in the U.S.A." Other countries will gladly take our money and add them to their overseas profits, but with no incentive to reinvest money in the U.S., all we accomplish is to bolster the economy of foreign countries. While I do not believe it is an appropriate move to move to a cloistered mentality, I think that the way that the country has basically made it an incentive to move jobs over seas, has really hurt the American society as a whole.

I call upon all who may read this post, and ask you to think, have you ever checked a label before buying something to see where it was made? Have you ever investigated to see if something was union made before you bought it? Perhaps in the uncertain economic time it is time to start looking at our shopping purchases with our consciouses . Perhaps now it is time to be proud to buy American, and look to support companies who still are American based. So many companies have outsourced their labour forces to off shore factories, that
still maintain head offices here in the States. It is time to send those companies a message, and that message is that we as Americans are a proud people, and that we support our country in more that just the ways the Right says we should. That we support our country's labour force, and finances as well!

So in conclusion, this holiday season that we are very rapidly approaching, think about the social impact of what you are buying. Perhaps we have reached a point in our societal life-span where it is time to not just buy items because they are the newest hot flashy thing, but to be more conservative with our spending and concentrate on buying from companies that support the American way of life, that are proud to be a part of our great country and want to see this country succeed.


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