Monday, February 25, 2008

It's finally Official...

Today I got the call from Acme, Officially hiring me to leave on tour with A Chorus Line.

Im at work but celebration is to be had shortly!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Its been a second...

Since I last posted. For those who dont know, it sounds like I did in fact get hired to go out with A Chorus Line starting in mid-march. Im pretty excited. Let me know if you wanna grab a drink with me on the road, or perhaps want to come hang out with me in some city. Ill almost always have an extra bed in my hotel.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I feel kind of torn.
I want to keep my word, and I also dont want to make situations weird....

I have so many things bottled up inside of me. I just want to start telling people these things. So many things I wish I didn't know, both personal and about other people. There are two main items that are on my mind, one about things out of my control, and the other about a very good friend of mine. How d I continue to hold this all in and prevent leaking out some ones major life change, and at the same time prevent some one from potentially being weirded out?

I think I could handle one of the two of these, but I don't know about the both of them...and I certainly cant make a move on either until the individuals make a move them selfs.

I guess I'll just have to deal...


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Up in the Air (or Mr. Toad's Wild Ride)

So here we are, in our first run through, and we have a live school audience... Pre-show we had a few issues, but at this point I believe things are running smoothly. I'm headed to New York City on Friday the 15th. Should be a lot of fun, and hopefully worth the money I'm spending. These kids are thoroughly amused by the few interspersed "curse words." Everyone involved in this production generally seems nice to me, but I have definitely experienced some hostility towards other members of the production, cast, crew, etc. It really is sad that there has to be such hostility, but we are all quite exhausted, more so the crew than the cast, but that is because the cast has put in fewer hours than us. Still no reason for any of us to be snippy. Matter of fact, I was told that some day "my cheery, upbeat attitude may get me beaten," still I feel it is better to attempt to maintain high spirits. Wont let anyone keep me down.


Transitions from one gig to another..

These weeks have truly been interesting. I have apparently made friends with more coworkers, whom I had previously thought to only have work relationships with. On top of all of that, I have been in ordinarily busy with work, which while surprising, is much desired. This week we begin the Japanese Festival at the Kennedy Center. Starting off with a week in the Family Theatre, doing a World Premiere musical. This play will have 5 days of production time
, and 4 days of shows. It is definitely too large for the space, but should be pulled off even with the limitations of the space and the incredibly short run/production time....


Marti Gras witht he Mystik Krewe....

I am exhausted.....On my 4th call in 24 hours, and as I sit here behind my short circuiting spotlight, that I will probably almost never use, beyond a "all hands ballyhoo cue."
From my perch I can barely see anything other than one tiny plot directly below my position. I am very glad to not have to do very much because of my extreme exhaustion. I don't have a day off until Tuesday, and I may very well spend it passed out on all sorts of sleep aids.

In the end it is going to pay my way to New York City for this interview. I may even make a weekend out of it(that was scrapped, doing the day up in NYC). Depending of course on whether or not I can coheres some of my New York people to pop out for good times. I really do have a very good feeling about this interview, and hope that it works out.


Next few posts

The next few posts are a series of posts written at work, while running one of many shows in the last few weeks. No guarantees on the quality of the posts, but I thought I'd share them.
